ivf treatment with donor sperm

IVF treatment with donor sperm

IVF treatment with donor sperm (IVF-D) is a fertility treatment in which the fertilisation takes place outside the body. At Cryos Clinic in Aarhus, we offer IVF-D.

IVF-D is a widely used type of fertility treatment. Many people turn to IVF-D treatment with donor sperm if they have a history of medical issues affecting their fertility or have tried to conceive with IUI without achieving pregnancy.

If you request a free consultation at Cryos Clinic, our authorised healthcare professionals will thoroughly evaluate your general medical history, lifestyle, menstrual cycle, and previous attempts to get pregnant (if any) and determine whether IVF-D is the recommended course of action for you. Together, we plan a personalised course of treatment that suits your needs. 

Lesbian couple pregnant after IVF-D treatment

What is IVF treatment?

IVF treatment, or in vitro fertilization, is a widely used type of fertility treatment for those who struggle with conceiving naturally. During IVF, the female reproductive system is stimulated by fertility medication to improve and enhance egg production. The improved egg production ensures that more than one egg is matured in one menstrual cycle. The eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized in the laboratory. 

If fertilization occurs, the embryos hopefully develop into blastocysts (this takes 5-6 days), after which an embryologist selects the strongest blastocyst to be transferred to the uterus for further development. One blastocyst may be transferred to the uterus in a fresh cycle, or all high-quality blastocysts may be frozen and stored for later use in a frozen embryo cycle, that may start from the next menstrual cycle.  

Only one blastocyst is transferred at a time, as twin and triplet pregnancies have a higher health risk than single pregnancies.

How much does IVF-D treatment cost?

The price of one round of IVF treatment at Cryos Clinic starts at EUR 4,369 (incl. VAT). At Cryos Clinic, the donor sperm needed for the treatment is included in the specific treatment type. Therefore, the only thing you need to consider is which sperm donor you would like to use.
You can see our list of prices here.

Screening tests prior to IVF-D treatment at Cryos Clinic

  • Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea: You must be tested for chlamydia and gonorrhoea and receive treatment if the test results are positive.
  • Cervical smear: You must have undergone a normal pap smear within the previous two years before beginning treatment, or any dysplasia must have been treated before starting fertility treatment. 
  • Screening for HIV and Hepatitis B and C: You must undergo screening for HIV, Hepatitis B, and C.
  • Rubella: It is important to confirm immunity to rubella (German Measles) before starting treatment. If your immunity status is unknown, a blood test can determine whether you are immune to rubella.
  • Other blood tests: Additionally, we recommend undergoing hormone tests on cycle days 2-4 (FSH, LH, and AMH), thyroid hormone tests (TSH and TPO antibody), and checking iron levels.
  • Ultrasound scan: Finally, you must undergo an ultrasound scan carried out before starting treatment. This scan is necessary to assess normal anatomy and rule out any ovarian cysts, fluid within the fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, polyps, or other gynaecological conditions. The ultrasound scan can be performed either by your local gynaecologist or at Cryos Clinic.

A guide to IVF-D treatment at Cryos Clinic

The process of IVF treatment with donor sperm is similar to the process of regular IVF treatment with sperm from a partner. The only difference is where the sperm comes from. Here is a step-by-step guide to the process you go through when receiving IVF-D treatment at Cryos Clinic: 

  • Initial consultation: Before planning your IVF-D treatment at Cryos Clinic, you must fill out our online contact request form and get access to our secure online patient system. There, you will be asked to complete a detailed medical history form before attending a free initial consultation with one of our experienced healthcare professionals. Together, we will go through your medical history and the recommended course of treatment. We speak English, Danish, and German. Start your journey here.
  • Begin hormone stimulation: If you and the healthcare professional at Cryos Clinic determine that you should proceed with IVF-D treatment, we recommend that you visit Cryos Clinic in Aarhus for an ultrasound scan before we further plan the course of treatment. The scan may also be performed by your local gynaecologist, and you can email the results to us. The hormone stimulation will consist of injections at home.
  • Order treatment with donor sperm: Before proceeding with your treatment, you must find a sperm donor and order a treatment with donor sperm. Contact us by email if you have any questions on when and how to purchase your treatment.
  • Ultrasound scans: After 8-10 days of hormone injections, you should have another ultrasound scan to see how you respond to the medicine. Some may need more days of medicine, and some are ready for the ovulation trigger shot, and we can plan the egg retrieval.
  • Egg retrieval: Once the eggs have matured, egg retrieval is performed by a fertility doctor at Cryos Clinic.
  • Fertilization: After the eggs have been retrieved, the embryologist prepares the eggs for fertilization in a petri dish. In IVF, sperm from a donor is then placed together with the eggs, hopefully leading to fertilization and embryo development. If using ICSI fertilization, one sperm cell is placed in the egg by the embryologist.
  • Embryo transfer: If one or more embryos have developed sufficiently to a day 5 or 6 blastocyst, a fertility doctor transfers a single blastocyst into the uterus. Hereafter, a pregnancy hopefully occurs, and the treatment is successful. If more than one embryo develops sufficiently, the excess embryos can be frozen and stored for another attempt or siblings. 

Each time you visit, one of our experienced healthcare professionals will be ready to take you through the procedure you are about to have. You can of course bring your partner, a friend, or a family member to share the journey with you.

After your IVF-D treatment

After having your IVF-D treatment, you can return to your everyday life.  

If you have an embryo transfer, you should take a pregnancy blood test two weeks later, to see if the treatment was successful. We know it might be tempting to take an early pregnancy test sooner than that, but some fertility medications may give you a false positive if you test too soon.  

If your pregnancy test is positive two weeks after your IVF-D treatment, we offer a free early pregnancy scan at the clinic about three weeks later (in pregnancy week 7). Hopefully, we will be able to see a heartbeat, and your treatment at Cryos Clinic will be considered complete. 

If you do not become pregnant, we will plan the next treatment together with you. Our healthcare professionals will also be able to guide you on other treatment options if the treatment is unsuccessful.

Ordering donor sperm for IVF treatment

At Cryos Clinic, you can have IVF treatment with donor sperm from Cryos International Sperm Bank. With the world’s largest donor selection, you can choose from more than 1,000 sperm donors, enabling you to find the perfect match for your family.  To ensure traceability between donor and recipient, Cryos only supplies sperm to clinics such as Cryos Clinic and authorised healthcare professionals, in accordance with Danish legislation.

See our detailed guide to ordering treatment with donor sperm for Cryos Clinic  here.

Vitamin supplements for women in fertility treatment

In accordance with the Danish Health Authority's guidelines, we recommend that you start taking vitamin supplements when trying to conceive. A good choice could be a multivitamin tablet specifically designed for pregnant women, available in pharmacies, provided it contains the supplements mentioned below:

Folic acid

Folic acid supplementation is known to significantly reduce the risk of brain and spinal cord malformations (neural tube defects). We recommend a daily dose of 400 micrograms of folic acid. Start taking folic acid one month before trying to conceive and continue until three months into pregnancy. Even though folic acid is available through food - primarily in green vegetables, legumes, and fruit - the required amount is not sufficient.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplementation is recommended for anyone planning to become pregnant. Low levels of vitamin D are particularly an issue during the winter. Vitamin D, essential for both mother and baby, is absorbed through the skin from sunlight and can also be found in the diet, primarily in oily fish. We recommend a daily supplement of 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout your pregnancy.


Calcium is essential for bone development and is recommended for women planning pregnancy. Calcium can be consumed through your diet, mainly through milk and dairy products. We recommend consuming half a litre of dairy product daily or a daily supplement of 500 mg of calcium before and throughout pregnancy.


Iron is important for women trying to conceive. Approximately 20% of pregnant women develop iron deficiency anaemia, which can be prevented with an appropriate iron supplement during pregnancy. From week 10 of your pregnancy, a daily iron supplement of 40-50 mg of ferrous iron is recommended. During fertility treatment, an adjustment of iron levels, possibly at a lower dose, may be necessary. To increase absorption, take the supplement between meals alongside vitamin C, like a glass of orange juice. It is also possible to find tablets containing both iron and vitamin C.

To summarise

  • 400 micrograms of folic acid from pregnancy planning and the first 3 months into pregnancy.
  • 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout pregnancy.
  • 500 mg calcium throughout pregnancy.
  • 40-50 mg ferrous iron from week 10 of your pregnancy and throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

Frequently asked questions about IVF-D treatment 

Are there possible side effects or complications of IVF-D treatment?

Some of the most common risks of IVF-D are side effects from the medicine like mood swings or headaches, and ectopic pregnancy. When having IVF-D treatment at Cryos Clinic, a healthcare professional will inform you about possible side effects before your treatment. 

What is the difference between IVF and IUI?

IVF treatment is more invasive than IUI, as you will take injections daily to stimulate your ovaries, and egg retrieval is necessary for fertilization to occur.